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Fintech Student Ambassador Program
The Fintech Student Ambassadors work closely with the Fintech and Green Finance Projects of the HKUST Business School to organize innovative educational activities to promote fintech and provide fintech and green finance-related learning opportunities to the HKUST community and the public; connect with industry practitioners to explore further the knowledge and skills needed in this fast-changing industry.
This report presents the findings of a two-phase survey study that investigates the attitudes of the Hong Kong population towards virtual assets. It provides invaluable insights into the public’s awareness, understanding and general perception of virtual assets, as well as their experiences with virtual assets, their interests in investing in virtual assets, and their views on virtual asset regulations.
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This report presents findings from a comprehensive study on the insurtech talent development in Hong Kong, encompassing an industry-wide manpower survey, in-depth literature review and an industry dialogue involving key stakeholders from the insurance domain. The report delves into key areas of Hong Kong’s insurtech development and talent landscape, including the regulatory environment, challenges to insurtech innovation, training opportunities, specific talent needs and preferred training and talent recruitment approaches. The report also explores the direction to create a winning insurtech talent development strategy for the sector, drawing upon the observations of two other major insurance hubs, namely the UK and Singapore.
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This report focuses on the talent development of regtech in Hong Kong, which is considered a significant barrier to Hong Kong’s regtech development. We examined the manpower situation and talent development strategy of regtech in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom and Singapore, identified talent development opportunities based on insights drawn from our focus group studies with industry practitioners, and made recommendations for tackling the issue of talent shortage. This report is intended to be read in conjunction with “Regtech Development in Hong Kong: Challenges and Recommendations" for a more comprehensive discussion on the overall regtech development in Hong Kong.
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This report summarizes the findings of our four focus group studies with Hong Kong regtech practitioners in July 2022. The focus groups, consisting of regtech users and service providers, addressed the overall challenges and specific problems faced by the regtech sector. This report includes recommendations for Hong Kong to facilitate the healthy growth of the regtech industry. This report is intended to be read in conjunction with “Regtech Development in Hong Kong: Talent as a Fuel for Growth” which focuses on the regtech manpower situation in Hong Kong.
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